When applying to colleges:
State prominent schools usually admit less than 25% of applicants. They expect gpa above 3.75 with test scores in the top 85th percentile and a record of challenging academic courses. They closely consider extracurriculuar activities, leadership, and community service.
gpa counts a lot for State schools in VA, such as UVA, Virginia Tech. If your previous gpa isn't that great, there are still ways to make up: Do better next year, and look for ways to bolster other aspects of your application in order to stand out.
College isn't all about just hitting the books. Everyone needs to find interests that they can persue to release the pressure and be social. It helps to have extracurricular activities you plan to continue during college and make sure colleges offer programs that you are passionate about.
You've heard it before-colleges are looking for leaders. Strong leadership indicates
Possible Summer Activitites
for rising High School seniors!
The Congress of Future Medical Leaders sponsored by the National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists
Centenary Summer Scholars
Pre-College Summer Programs: Centenary Summer Scholars 2018
Summer Programs - General
(Scroll down for a listing of US-based programs by state.)
See also our more targeted lists of programs for under-represented and/or minority students, studying abroad, adventure-wilderness discovery, architecture and/or engineering, business, film, environmental science & sustainability, language-intensive programs, leadership, math and computer science, students interested in sports-related fields, pre-med students, summer study abroad, theatrical training, visual arts, and writing/journalism. We are also in the process of collecting information on low or no-fee programs as well as programs for middle school students.
Search engines or sites that are specific to summer programs:
Allen's Guide: http://www.allensguide.com/
ACA (American Collegiate Adventures) - multi-site, multi-focus: http://www.acasummer.com
ASA - summer academic programs for high school students: http://www.asaprograms.com
Blayz: https://blayz.com (searchable database of extracurricular opportunities)
Choice Camps' searchable summer camp database: http://www.choicecamps.com
Andrea van Niekerk of College Goals has a compilation of 2013 programs here.
Enrichment Alley's database: http://www.enrichmentalley.com/
Envisions' various programs are detailed & searchable here: http://www.envisionexperience.com/explore-our-programs
Everything Summer - Jill Tipograph's summer resource site: http://www.everythingsummer.com/
usummer - precollege summer program portal - http://www.usummer.com/index.html
RIT's list of PAID summer opportunities for HS students can be accessed here:
Shaun McElroy - aka "International Counselor" - has updated his Summer Omnibus
Peterson's "Summer Opportunities" database: http://www.petersons.com/highschool/landing.asp?id=872&path=hs.fas.summer
Student Education Programs' collection:
Summer Fun consortium: http://www.summerfun.com/
Summer Institute for the Gifted (multiple campuses): http://www.giftedstudy.com/
A list of summer programs with a focus on science and/or engineering, compiled by MIT:
Summer Program Finder (a counselor-created search tool): http://summerprogramfinder.com/
Science Service - http://www.societyforscience.org/stp/index.asp
Teen Life's Summer Supplement: http://www.teenlife-digital.com/tlpublications/summer2013tl#pg1
Brilliant Trip's summer service opportunities abroad: http://www.brillianttrips.com/_activities/vol.cfm
Summer programs at independent schools in the Northeast: http://www.isanne.org/choosing/summer/
You can order a copy of Porter Sargeant's comprehensive guide here: http://www.summerschools.portersargent.com/
Wintergreen/Orchardhouse's guide is here: http://store.wintergreenstore.com/774scss.html
Specific programs
(Know of a school that has robust and general residential summer program offerings? If you've got editing privileges, add in the state abbreviation if need be and put in the link to the program's home page! For information about becoming a contributor to this site, please see our Contributors' Notes.)
Johns Hopkins' summer program website is here: http://www.jhu.edu/summer/
The University of Maryland's Young Scholars program info is here: http://www.summer.umd.edu/s/ysp/
Columbia University has summer programs designed for high school students; that website is here: http://www.ce.columbia.edu/hs/index.cfm
Cornell has an extensive Summer College for High School students program, detailed here: http://www.sce.cornell.edu/sc/index.php
Cornell also hosts the Telluride Association programs, detailed here: http://www.sce.cornell.edu/ss/courses/on/special/telluride.phpNYC Summer Youth Employment Program: http://www.nyc.gov/html/dycd/html/jobs/syep.shtml
NYTedu: https://nytedu.com/pre-collegiate/
NYU's Pre-College program info is here: http://www.scps.nyu.edu/sumcamp
NYU (Steinhardt) - http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/music/summer/
NYU (Tisch) - http://specialprograms.tisch.nyu.edu/page/hsstudents.html
NYUPoly - http://www.poly.edu/highschoolsummer
Carnegie Mellon's Pre-College Program (some financial aid may be available) has a website here: http://www.cmu.edu/summer/pre-college/index.html
Gettysburg has summer programs specifically designed for
Students exploring Psychology http://www.gettysburg.edu/camppsych/,
Government Leadership Camp: http://www.eisenhowerinstitute.org/programs/american-government-leadership-camp/
Writing Camp: http://www.gettysburg.edu/academics/english/writing-camp/index.dot
3-D Object Modeling & Printing: http://www.gettysburg.edu/about/offices/it/summercamp/
UPenn's programs for high school students are here: http://www.sas.upenn.edu/summer/programs/highschool
UVA's Summer Program website is here: http://www.virginia.edu/summer/
Four Star Camps (also at UVA)
Washington and Lee's Summer Scholars program has a website here: http://www1.wlu.edu/x4306.xml
Summer Programs - Math and/or Computer Science
Good selection of programs, especially math/science, for talented students
Math Camps
A-Star Summer Math Camp - https://starleague.us/astar/summermathcamp
Awesome Math runs for 3 weeks in July at UT-Dallas; its campers are ages 12-18. You can learn more at http://www.awesomemath.org
Mathcamp - http://www.mathcamp.org
Hampshire College (HS students) - http://www.hcssim.org
Curie Academy (at Cornell University)-The CURIE Academy is a one-week summer residential program for high school girls who excel in math and science. The focus is on juniors and seniors who may not have had prior opportunities to explore engineering, but want to learn more about the many opportunities in engineering in an interactive atmosphere. http://www.engineering.cornell.edu/diversity/summer/high_school/curie/index.cfm
University of Florida-Student Science Training Program-The SSTP is a seven week residential research program for selected rising juniors and seniors who are considering medicine, math, computer, science, or engineering careers. The program emphasis is research participation with a UF faculty research scientist and his or her research team.
Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth - http://cty.jhu.edu/summer/catalogs/os/oscatalog.html
MathILy - http://mathily.org (at Bryn Mawr, in PA) - "MathILy is an intensive residential summer program for mathematically excellent secondary students."
MathILy-Er - http://www.mathily.org/mathilyer/index.html (at Willamette, in OR) - "MathILy-Er is similar to MathILy, but is adapted for students who are slightly earlier in their chronology or mathematical development."
MathPath (Mt. Holyoke College, MA) - MathPath offered a two week option for the first time in 2009, although most students will probably prefer to do the full four weeks. You can read more at http://www.mathpath.org "Why should you consider a summer math camp, in particular, us? Because you will have so much fun! Fun because you will be with your tribe. Fun because of the math. Fun because of the leisure activities."
NASA SHARP (summer apprenticeships for high school students 16 yrs and older, 8 schools nation-wide) http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/9-12/learning/NASA_SHARP.html
NJIT (NJ)- Pre-college programs, designed to encourage and prepare students entering grades 5-12 to succeed int eh fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. http://www5.njit.edu/precollege/studentprograms/summer_programs.php
Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) (grades 9-12) - http://www.promys.org
Sewanee (The Bridge Program for Science and Math)- http://sewanee.edu/bridgeprogram/apply.html
Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) - https://spcs.stanford.edu/
Texas Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp - http://mathworks.txstate.edu/student/HSMC/description.htm
University of Colorado, Boulder- High School Honors Institute, HS juniors & seniors interested in engineering, computer science, or applied math & physics- http://www.colorado.edu/engineering/k-12/high-school
University of Michigan Math and Science Scholars High School Summer Program - http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/mms
University of Vermont- HS Pre-college summer academy- http://www.uvm.edu/~summer/precollege/summer-academy/
Williams College - Math Camp - http://sites.williams.edu/mathcamp/http://sites.williams.edu/mathcamp/for-students/
2016 camp: July 5 – 13, 2016. Application Due: Thursday, April 7th, 2016 Competitive.
Free, 9-day residential math camp for about 20 mathematically gifted high school students who have completed or are currently enrolled in Algebra 2 or its equivalent. Students will be exposed to several different areas of mathematics through colloquia and other activities. Focus will be Number Theory & The Art of Mathematical Thinking. Explore the theory of numbers: asking thoughtful questions, working out examples, looking for patterns, making conjectures, and finally, proving their results.
We are happy to announce dates for the 2016 camp: July 5 – 13, 2016.
Application materials for the 2016 camp are available now.
WCMC is funded by the American Mathematical Society, Carlow & Zepka Construction, and Williams College.
William and Mary - http://cfge.wm.edu/sep.htm
Computer Camps
Arizona State University Summer Institute- Computer science and computer systems engineering camp- https://eoss.asu.edu/summerenrichment
A-Star Summer Computer Science Camp - https://starleague.us/astar/summercscamp
Cybercamps (Seattle, WA) - http://www.cybercamps.com
Education Unlimited-Computer (Berkeley, CA) - http://www.educationunlimited.com
Experience America's Gaming Camp (WA) - http://www.expamerica.net/summer/game/
University of Florida-Student Science Training Program-The SSTP is a seven week residential research program for selected rising juniors and seniors who are considering medicine, math, computer, science, or engineering careers. The program emphasis is research participation with a UF faculty research scientist and his or her research team.
iD Tech Camps (Campbell, CA) - http://www.internaldrive.com
Michigan State's MI St-MST (East Lansing, MI) - http://www.msu.edu/~gifted
Mt. Holyoke's Summermath (South Hadley, MA) (girls only) - http://www.mtholyoke.edu/proj/summermath
National Computer Camp (Orange, CT) - http://www.nccamp.com
PACT-Program in Algorithmic and Combinatorial Thinking-http://algorithmicthinking.org/registration/
The program is expected to run from June 27-July 29, 2016 (dates may change slightly) on the Princeton University campus. Meetings will take place each weekday during this period from 9:30am-4:30pm, except on nationally observed holidays.
University of Colorado, Boulder- High School Honors Institute, HS juniors & seniors interested in engineering, computer science, or applied math & physics- http://www.colorado.edu/engineering/k-12/high-school
U of IL-Girls' Math Camp - http://www.engr.uiuc.edu/wie/games
Catholic U-Engineering - http://engineering.cua.edu/activities
Summer Enrichment
Collegewise Summer Planning Guide
Collegewise counselors have written the Collegewise Summer Planning Guide. It’s full of great advice and
suggestions for everything from formal programs, to part-time jobs, to experiences you design yourself.
Best of all, it’s free to download (and share).
Link to PDF Guide: http://wiselikeus.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/CollegewiseGuideToSummer.pdf
Abbey Road Programs
Our mission is to develop summer pre-college and high school study abroad programs for high school students that facilitate cross-cultural understanding and enrichment by providing a unique opportunity for: cultural immersion, intensive language study, college prep, exposure to new academic subjects, travel excursions, recreational adventure, personal growth, and building life-long friendships.
Summer Program List
Links to many summer programs
Link to list
13,000+ Opportunities for Students in Grades 7-12:
Summer Omnibus
Programs and places to help you grow this summer.
Link to lists of summer enrichment programs
Summer Programs and Camps Search
Including summer internships and study abroad
usummer Pre-college Programs Portal
usummer is a non-profit site built to help you find pre-college programs.
Pre-College Summer Camps
Pre-college summer programs and camps are offered throughout the country, often through Universities to provide high school students with experiences in science, mathematics, technology, engineering, or healthcare.
The Camp Experts
Providing FREE Summer Camp and Teen Program Advice
Featuring more courses, activities, and trips than any other summer program, Exploration is a unique, safe, and supportive learning environment. Our students make friends from around the world, discover new interests and abilities, and have fun at every turn.
Student Education Programs
Summer camps and programs
Summer Program Finder
is a user-friendly search tool for finding pre-college programs and summer opportunities for high school students.
STEM Programs
Operation Catapult
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
5500 Wabash Avenue, CM 1
Terre Haute, Indiana 47803
Boston Universiy
Department of Mathematics
PROMYS is a six-week summer program at Boston University designed to encourage motivated high school students to explore the creative world of mathematics in a supportive community of peers, counselors, research mathematicians, and visiting scientists.
VETS Summer Camp Program
(11th and 12th graders)
University of Pennsylvania
School of Veterinary Medicine
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Center for Pre-college Programs
Programs in Science, Math, Engineering and Technology
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Summer Programs
Pre-college summer programs and camps are offered throughout the country, often through Universities to provide high school students with experiences in science, mathematics, technology, engineering, or healthcare. In addition to the list below, be sure to check your local university to see what programs they may have planned for the summer.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Women's Technology Program
Women's Technology Program
Smith College Summer Science and Engineering
Program for High School Girls (SSEP)
Michigan Math and Science Scholars Program
U of Chicago Research in Biological Sciences
Contact the Summer Office
USC Summer Science Camp for High School Students
USC Office of Continuing Education & Summer Programs
3415 South Figueroa Street,
Suite #107
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0874
Phone: (213) 740-5679
Fax: (213) 740-6417
Email: summer@usc.edu http://summerprograms.usc.edu/
Adelphi University
Pre-College Programs
Adelphi-Winthrop Summer Science Institute and Introduction to Nursing
Office of High School and Pre-College Programs
Adelphi University
One South Ave
Garden City, NY 11530
Phone: 516.877.3410
Fax: 516.877.3410
Iowa's Young Writers' Studio
Trish Walsh & Michelle Falkoff, Directors
Iowa Young Writers' Studio
The University of Iowa
C215 Seashore Hall
Iowa City, IA 52242-1402
Phone: (319) 335-4209
Fax: (319) 335-4743
The Institute for Writing and Thinking
Bard College
PO Box 5000
Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504-5000
Phone 845-758-7484
E-mail: wandt@bard.edu
Summer academic programs with an emphasis on writing
Fine, Performing & Practical Arts
Eastern US Music Camp
Colgate University
7 Brook Hollow Road
Ballston Lake, NY 12019
2-3-4 Week Sessions
Phone: 866-777-7841
Institute for Television, Film & Radio
Boston University
College of Communication
640 Commonwealth Ave
Boston, MA 02215
Phone: 617-353-5015
Email: itrp@bu.edu
Film & Acting Camps
for High School Students
New York Film Academy
100 E. 17th St.
New York, NY 10003
p: 212-674-4300
f: 212-477.1414
email: film@nyfa.com
Otis College of Art and Design
Summer of Art
9045 Lincoln Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Phone: 310-665-6864
Email: ealdge@otis.edu
The Summer Theatre Institute
DeSales University
2755 Station Avenue
Center Valley, PA 18034
Telephone: 610-282-1100 ext. 1320
Fax: 610-282-2240
E-mail: sti@desales.edu
Photography at Drexel
Antoinetti WestPhal
Photography Program
Nesbitt Hall 13-503
3215 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: 215-985-1834
Email: tjm22@drexel.edu
Camp Premiere
Kean University
Intensive two-week summer theatre camp
Jim DeVivo
Associate Director
Education at Playwrights Theatre
973-514-1787, ext. 14
NYC Fashion Summer Camps
for High School Students
Banson NYC
Volunteer Opportunities
Points of Light Institute
1875 K St NW 5th Floor
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: 202-729-8000
Fax: 202-729-8100
Summer Programs on College Campuses
Center for Talented Youth
Johns Hopkins University
Center for Talented Youth
3400 North Charles Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21218
Phone: 410 516-0337
Fax: 410 516-0804
Email: ctyinfo@jhu.edu
Adelphi University
Pre-College Programs
Business, Art, Psychology, Nursing, Acting and Theatre, Health Sciences, Game Programming
Office of High School and Pre-College Programs
Adelphi University
One South Ave
Garden City, NY 11530
Phone: 516.877.3410
Fax: 516.877.3410
Email: kmatzkin@adelphi.edu
Education Program for Gifted Youth (EPGY) at Stanford University
Ventura Hall
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-4115
Phone: (800) 372 EPGY
(650) 329-9920
Fax: (650) 329-9924
Email: epgy-info@epgy.stanford.edu
Summer Study at Penn State
Pre-College Enrichment Program for High School Students
900 Walt Whitman Road
Melville, NY 11747
Phone: 800-666-2556
Email: precollegeprograms@summerstudy.com
Georgetown University
Summer College for High School Juniors
Special Programs
Box 571010
1437 37th Street, NW
Poulton Hall, Second Floor
Washington, DC 20057-1010
Phone: 202-687-5719
Email: harringe@georgetown.edu
Harvard Summer School
Secondary School Program
51 Brattle Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: 617-495-3192
Email: hewitt@hudce.harvard.edu
Bryn Mawr College
Writing for College
Science for College
Understanding College Admissions
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
(610) 526-5376
E-mail: summer@brynmawr.edu
Montclair State University
Summer Sessions
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043
Phone: 973-655-4352
Email: summer.sessions@montclair.edu
Summer Study at the University of Colorado
900 Walt Whitman Road
Melville, NY 11747
5-week College Credit Program
3-week Enrichment Program
Phone: 800-666-2556
Email: precollegeprograms@summerstudy.com
The Joseph Baldwin Academy for Eminent Young Scholars
Truman State University
Ms. Jana Morton
Assistant to the Dean of Joseph Baldwin Academy,
McClain Hall 203,
Kirksville, MO 63501-4221,
Phone: (660) 785-5406 or
E-mail: jmorton@truman.edu.
Seventeen college-level courses comprise the Baldwin Academy's curriculum
Thomas More College of Liberal Arts
Collegiate Summer Program for High School Students
The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts
6 Manchester Street
Merrimack, NH 03054
Fax: 603-880-9280
Email: admissions@thomasmorecollege.edu
University of San Diego
Tel: 619-260-4585
Toll Free: 888-321-6658
Fax: 619-260-2961
Email: continuinged@sandiego.edu http://pce.sandiego.edu/public/category/courseCategoryCertificateProfile.do?method=load&certificateId=31385&selectedProgramAreaId=19156
University of Delaware
Summer College Program for High School Sophomores and Juniors
Phone (302) 831 - 6560
Fax (302) 831 - 4339
Junior Statesmen Summer School
To apply to sessions at Northwestern,
Stanford, Princeton or Yale:
Admissions Office
Junior Statesmen Summer School
400 South El Camino Real, Suite 300
San Mateo, CA 94402
To apply to either session of Georgetown:
Admissions Office
Junior Statesmen Summer School at Georgetown
1140 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 801
Washington, DC 20036
Marist College
Pre-College Programs
Business, Creative Writing, Criminal Justice, Environmental Science, Fashion, Game Design & Sports Communication
ATTN: Summer Pre-College
Office of Undergraduate Admission
3399 North Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Phone: 845.575.3226
Fax: 845.575.3215
Summer Programs for students in high school, college, and beyond
Contact the Summer Office
The University of Chicago
The Graham School of General Studies
1427 E. 60th Street Chicago, IL 60637
Hofstra University
Broadcast Journalism / Sportscasting
Teen Sportscasting Institute
Hofstra University Continuing Education
Long Island, New York (NY) - Nassau County
(516) 463-7200
Email ce@hofstra.edu
Link to Hoftra Sportscasting website
The College of New Jersey
Office of Summer Programs
Beverly Kalinowski
The Summer School & Summer Programs
P) 609-771-2326
F) 609-637-5128
E) summer@tcnj.edu
Daniel Fox Youth Scholars Program
Lebanon Valley College
Students May Choose from 15 Programs
101 North College Avenue
Annville, Pa 17003-1400
Phone: 717-867-6100
Some High School Science and Engineering Programs at MIT:
MIT Outreach Directory
LLRISE: Lincoln Laboratory Radar Introduction for Student Engineers
MIT OpenCourseWare: Highlights for High School
MITES: Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science
PRIMES: Program for Research in Mathematics, Engineering and Science for High School Students
Research Science Institute (RSI)
Other Programs to Engage Girls in Engineering and Science:
Black Girls Code
Boston Area Girls STEM Collaborative
Dot Diva
Engineer Girl! - National Academy of Engineering
Engineer Your Life
eGFI (Engineering, Go For It!)
FIRST Robotics
Girls Who Code
Girl Scouts - For Girls
Science Club for Girls
SHE++ : Inspiring women to empower computer science
Smith College Summer Science and Engineering Program for High School Girls
SPARC (Summer Program for Applied Rationality and Cognition)
Technology Student Association: TEAMS program (formerly JETS)
Try Engineering
Professional Organizations:
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Women in Computing
American Indian Science and Engineering Society
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) - Women in Eng
Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology
IEEE Women in Engineering
National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT)
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
Women in Engineering Programs & Advocates Network
59 Great Medical Programs for High School Students + Advice
High School Senior Summer Internship Program
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, OH
No cost. Interns are paid up to $1,296
8 weeks
Medical Immersion Summer Academy
Mentoring in Medicine and Science
Oakland, CA
5 days
Medicine & Health Care Program
National Student Leadership Council
Various universities throughout the US
$3,095- $3,395
9 days
Stanford Medical Youth Science Program
Stanford University
Stanford, CA
No cost
5 weeks
Summer Medical Academy
Rady Children's Hospital and UC San Diego
San Diego, CA
12 days
UPenn Medicine Summer Program for High School Students
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
4 weeks
Medical Research Programs
If you're unable to do one of the above medical programs, the next best thing is a medical research program. In these programs, you'll be working in a lab and helping with medical research that's in progress (i.e. looking at slides under a microscope, recording changes) or assisting with on-going clinical research (i.e. interviewing participants in an on-going trial of new medication, logging participant information in the computer). Many of these programs pair you with a mentor who works at your location. Also, several of these programs require you to give a presentation at the end of the program.fr
These medical research programs are extremely valuable because, as a pre-med student, you'll likely end up doing lab work either for class or as an extracurricular for your medical school application. If you do one of these programs in high school, you'll be a step ahead of your pre-med classmates.
Host Institute/Hospital
Program Length
Summer Science Internship Program
Arthritis Foundation
No cost. Interns are paid $1,500
8 weeks
Summer Scholars Biology Research Immersion Program
Buck Institute for Research on Aging
Novato, CA
7 weeks
Disease Detective Camp
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC
Atlanta, Georgia
No cost
5 days
Summer Child Health Research Internship
Children's Hospital Colorado
Aurora, CO
No cost. Interns are paid $3,500
8 weeks
Summer Research Program
Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute
Oakland, CA
No cost
9 weeks
Biomedical Research Internship for Minority Students
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, OH
No costs. Interns receive a stipend of up to $2,916
9 weeks
City of Hope Cancer Center
Eugene and Ruth Roberts Summer Student Academy
Duarte, CA
No cost. Students receive a stipend of $4,000
10 weeks
Summer Experience for Students
Coriell Institute for Medical Research
Camden, NJ
No cost. Students receive a stipend of $1,000
3 weeks
Initiative to Eliminate Cancer Disparities, The Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences CURE
Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center
Boston, MA
No cost. Students are paid per hour (salary varies)
2-3 years (part-time during the school year)
Summer Research Program
Indiana University Cancer Center
Indianapolis, IN
No cost. Students are paid per hour (salary varies)
9 weeks
High School Summer Internship Program
Magee Women's Research Institute
Pittsburgh, PA
No cost. Students are paid an hourly minimum wage
4 weeks
Summer Research Internship
Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience
Jupiter, FL
No cost. Students will receive a stipend (amount varies)
6 weeks
Summer Internships for High School and College Students
McLaughlin Research Institute
Great Falls, MT
No cost. Students will receive a stipend (amount varies)
8 weeks
High School Summer Program
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX
No cost. Students receive a scholarship for housing costs
7 weeks
Diversity Summer Enrichment Programs
Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, WI
No cost. Students receive a stipend to help with housing costs
6 weeks
Werner H. Kirsten Student Intern Program
National Cancer Institute
Frederick, MD
No cost. Students receive a $3,400 stipend
8 weeks
NEI Summer Intern Program
National Eye Institute
Bethesda, MD & Rockville, MD
No cost. Students receive a stipend to help with housing costs
8-12 weeks
Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research
Bethesda, MD
No cost. Students receive a stipend to help with housing costs
8 weeks
Summer Student Program
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases
Bethesda, MD
No cost. Students receive a stipend to help with housing costs
8 weeks
National Institute on Drug Abuse: Summer Research with NIDA
Various universities throughout the US
No cost. Interns are paid $12 an hour
8 weeks
NIDDK Short-term Education Program for Underrepresented Persons STEP-UP - High School Program
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Bethesda, MD
No cost. Students receive a stipend (amount varies)
8-10 weeks
Summer Internship Program
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Research
Triangle Park, NC
No cost. Students are paid per hour (salary varies)
8 weeks
Summer Program in the Neurological Sciences
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Bethesda, MD
No cost. Students receive a stipend (amount varies)
8 weeks
Summer Cancer Research Experience Program for High School Students
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Buffalo, NY
No cost. The most competitive applicants will receive stipends of $2,520
7 weeks
Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, CA
No cost. Students receive stipends from $500 to $1500
8 weeks
Summer Student Program
The Jackson Laboratory
Bar Harbor, ME
No cost. Students receive a stipend of $5,250
10 weeks
Helios Scholars Program
Translational Genomics Research Institute
Phoenix, AZ
No cost. Students are paid $10 an hour
8 weeks
High School Student Research Apprentice Program
University of Connecticut Health Center
Farmington, CT
$1850 per week (some discounts available)
1-4 weeks
Summer Cancer Research Internship for High School and Undergraduate Students
University of Hawaii, Cancer Center
Honolulu, HI
No cost. Students receive a stipend of $1,500
4 weeks
Summer Research Scholars Program
University of Minnesota Medical School, Lillehei Heart Institute
Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN
No cost. Students receive a stipend of $3,000
9 weeks
Travis B. Lewis High School Scholarship Award Program
University of Nebraska Medical Center, Department of Pharmacology & Experimental Neuroscience
Omaha, NE
No cost. Students receive a stipend of $1,500
10 weeks
Biomedical Research Training for High School Students
University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, TX
No cost
8 weeks
Summer Fellowship Program in Biomedical Research
Wistar Institute
Science Research Programs
If you can't do one of the medical research or medical programs, you should consider trying to do a science summer program/internship. These programs are not medicine-specific and cover a wide range of science topics (from plant life to space). However, these programs are still very valuable because, as a pre-med student, you'll be learning a ton of science. As a part of your pre-med track, you'll be required to take Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, and more. Doing one of these science programs will give you a preview of the coursework ahead of you.
Also, many of these programs are lab work, and, although they're not focused on medical research, they will still give you good general insights into how to do lab work. As I said before, as a pre-med student, you'll likely end up doing lab work either for class or as an extracurricular for your medical school application. If you do one of these programs, you'll be well-prepared to do that research.
Host Institute/Hospital
Program Length
Plant Genome Internship
Cornell University Boyce Thompson Institute
Ithaca, NY
No cost. Students receive a stipend (amount varies)
6 weeks
Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program
George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia
No cost
7.5 weeks
Army Educational Outreach Programs
Department of Defense
Washington, DC
Varies. Some programs have no cost, some give a small stipend.
Varies depending on program
Internship Program
J. Craig Venter Institute
Rockville, MD
No cost. Possibility for a stipend (varies) or school credit
8 weeks
Maine Research Internships for Teachers and High School Students MERITS
Maine Space Grant Consortium
Augusta, ME
No cost
6 weeks
Research Science Institute
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT
Cambridge, MA
No cost
5 weeks
Monell Science Apprenticeship Program
Monell Chemical Senses Center
Philadelphia, PA
No cost. Students receive a stipend (amount varies)
7 weeks
Summer Research Program
Monmouth University
West Long Branch, NJ
No cost. Students are paid about $9 per hour
12 weeks
Summer Youth Internship Program
Museum of Science
Boston, MA
No cost. Most interns receive an hourly wage
National Space Club Scholars Program
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Greenbelt, MD & Wallops Island, VA
No cost. Students receive a stipend of $2,100
6 weeks
OARDC Research Internships in Wooster ORIP
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
Wooster, OH
No cost. Students will receive a stipend of $2,400
10 weeks
Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering (ASE) program
Saturday Academy
Oregon & Southwest Washington
Interns must work a total of at least 318 hours
High School Student Research Education Program
Scripps Research Institute
La Jolla, CA
No cost. Students are paid $11.50 per hour
7 weeks
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Program
University of Maryland
College Park, MD
No cost
1 week
Howard Hughes Medical Institute High School Scholars
University of Miami
Miami, FL
No cost. Some students receive stipends
7 weeks
Internships for High School
State University of New York College at Oneonta
Cooperstown, NY
No cost. Interns receive a stipend of $1,750
10 weeks
Educational Outreach Program
The Forsyth Institute
Boston, MA
No cost. Students are paid an hourly wage (amount varies)
8 weeks
Geosciences Bridge Program
University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center
Princess Anne, MD
No cost. Students are paid $500 per week
6 weeks
Bioscience Summer Research Program for High School Students
University of Utah, Department of Biology
Salt Lake City, UT
No cost
7 weeks
Summer Research Apprentice Program
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY
Varies depending on program
Varies depending on program
Summer Programs For High School Students:
Academic Connections at the University of California – San Diego
This three week program helps prepare high-achieving high-school students for success by allowing them to experience college-level academics. Students are able to immerse themselves in study of a particular academic subject taught by graduate students and/or renowned faculty researchers within the field of study.
The program is specific to college-bound high school students, so students must be in high school, grades 9-12, and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 or above.
Learn more about Academic Connections at the University of California – San Diego.
American Collegiate Adventures
American Collegiate Adventures offers programs in both the United States and abroad. The programs range anywhere from one to five weeks, all of which are details on their web site (linked below).
Their 4-week program, for example, takes place over the summer in Wisconsin and details the college admissions process.
Learn more about American Collegiate Adventures.
Bentley University Summer Athletic Camps
Bentley University’s Summer Athletic Camps have earned the reputation as being one of New England’s the best teaching camps for athletics. The college offers summer athletic camps for high school students within the sports of basketball, volleyball, field hockey and more.
Providing both a fun and interactive setting, along with state-of-the-art facilities, Bentley’s camps offer students an opportunity to learn games strategies and skills from quality players and top coaches.
Learn more about Bentley University Summer Athletic Camps.
California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS)
California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS) is a four-week summer residential program that gives high school students who have demonstrated skills within STEM subjects (science, technology, mathematics and engineering) opportunities to explore beyond their usual high school curriculum.
Students are able to work on advanced topics with renowned faculty members, scientists and researchers as well as experience state-of-the-art lab environments and facilities.
Participants will also have the opportunity to take university-level courses and gain an awareness of both educational and career options within the STEM fields.
The students attending the program live in campus housing with other program participants. Full and partial scholarships are available.
Learn more about California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science.
Carnegie Mellon University – Summer Programs for Diversity
Carnegie Mellon’s Pre-College programs allow students to explore college life both in the classroom and outside to see what’s going on outside of campus.
Students are able to mingle with people from all over the world and participate in exciting summer activities that include architecture, art, design, drama, music and even advanced placement and early admission.
The best part? There are no tuition housing or dining fees for students who are selected to attend the Summer Programs for Diversity!
Learn more about the Carnegie Mellon University – Summer Programs for Diversity.
Carnegie Mellon University – Summer Academy for Math + Science (SAMS)
The SAMS programs if for high school students entering their junior or seniors year of high school who are interested in math-based disciplines, such as engineering or science.
The hands-on six-week program takes place at Carnegie Mellon University and focuses on technical areas of study, building on both academic and personal skills which are required for admission to top colleges and universities.
Learn more about the Carnegie Mellon University – Summer Academy for Mathematics and Science (SAMS).
Columbia College of Chicago – High School Summer Institute
Columbia College of Chicago’s High School Summer Institute offers college level courses to students who have completed their sophomore, junior or senior years of high school but have not yet attended college and are interested in the fields of art and communications.
The courses do transfer as electives to Columbia College of Chicago and to some other colleges or universities, depending on the discretion of the particular school.
Students even have the option of living on campus. If you would like to apply for housing, options are limited, so early application is encouraged. There is an extra cost for housing, which includes a meal plan.
Program participants are able to choose from a variety of courses, all of which take place in July.
Learn more about Columbia College of Chicago – High School Summer Institute.
Concordia Language Villages
Concordia Language Villages is a language and culture education program. Their mission is to prepare young people for responsible citizenship in the global community.
The villages have adopted an innovative approach using immersion techniques to teach language. Participants may choose from 15 world language programs: Arabic, Chinese, Danish, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.
Programs are offered for every age and level of ability as well.
Learn more about Concordia Language Villages.
Cornell Summer College
Cornell Summer College offers both three- and six- week pre-college programs for high school sophomores, juniors and seniors.
Program participants are able to earn anywhere from three to six college credits, work with world renowned Cornell faculty, attend college fairs, receive one-on-one admissions counseling and experience college life first hand.
Students are also able to experience living within a residence hall and a roommate, meeting other students from more than 40 countries and enjoy summer activities.
Learn more about Cornell Summer College.
Duke University’s TIP Academy for Summer Studies
Duke University’s TIP Academy for Summer Studies provides students with an academic and social experience so that they are able to experience both challenging coursework and build lasting friendships with other academically gifted students.
The program is available to the top five percent of students within a grade level and all courses were developed with gifted students in mind. Only students within grades 7-10 are eligible for the academy.
The summer studies take place at various sites including Rice University, University of Georgia, Wake Forest University and Duke University.
Learn more about Duke University’s TIP Academy for Summer Studies.
Experience Christendom Summer Program (ECSP)
The Experience Experience Christendom Summer Program (ECSP), is a program which attracts students from all across the country and various foreign countries.
Students attend the Front Royal, VA, campus for a week (Sunday through Saturday) and take part in academic, social, recreational, and spiritual activities, led by current students as counselors. They come away with a new appreciation for the Catholic faith and culture, and are exposed to the transformative power of a truly Catholic liberal arts education.
Each year, high school students spend a week on campus and, by the end of the week as “one of the best weeks of their lives,” and have ranked the program on average 4.75 out of 5 on a survey. Not just of the summer, but ever.
The program consists of an average of 45-50 students in each session and runs six of these one-week sessions.
The cost of the program is just $500 (all inclusive – other than travel), and generous financial aid is given to students who request it/qualify. The program is for students who will be entering their senior year of high school in the fall.
According to the website, summer 2016 will mark the 18th year of this wildly popular program, which boasts over 1,900 alumni since 1999.
Registration for the 2016 Experience Christendom Summer Programs is now open.
Note: the past three years have had waiting lists, so if you’re interested, don’t delay in signing up! Learn more about the Experience Christendom Summer Program.
Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Programs
Girls Who Code is “a national non-profit organization dedicated to closing the gender gap in technology.” Their Summer Immersion Programs combine project-based learning with aspects like networking and connecting with females at top tech companies.
The free, seven-week program is open to current high school sophomores and junior girls. During the summer programs, girls will learn coding and gain exposure to jobs in the tech industry. The programs are in various cities throughout the nation.
According to the site “The Summer Immersion Program is a FREE 7-week summer program for 10th-11th grade girls to learn computer science, get exposure to tech jobs and join a supportive sisterhood of thousands of girls across the US! It is an introductory computer science course and no previous experience is required. We welcome all eligible applicants who have an interest in technology and a willingness to learn!”
Applications for the 2017 Summer Immersion Program are open now so you can apply today.
The site also details that the application consists of one short answer question. Girls Who Code does not ask for your grades or any recommendations.
Learn more about the Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Programs.
Harvard’s Pre-College Program & Secondary School Program (SSP)
If you’re wondering what college is like, Harvard offers college programs just for high school students who are curious.
Harvard’s high school programs allow you to take real courses along with college students and actually earn college credit.
You’ll be able to learn about subjects they don’t teach within your high school curriculum, study with Harvard faculty, have use of Harvard labs and other state-of-the-art libraries and equipment.
While you’re there, you’ll meet other students from around the work, attend college prep events and participate in fun and exciting activities.
The program is open to high school students who meet the application and admission criteria (see the web site for details; linked below).
Financial aid is available for qualifying students.
Learn more about Harvard’s High School Programs.
University of Florida – Humanities and the Sunshine State
Humanities and Sunshine State: (Re)Discovering Florida’s Waters is described as “a one-week residential academic program [in June] for rising high school juniors and seniors that explores what the humanities teach us about the cultural, social, and economic significance of water in Florida life.
Motivated students interested in learning beyond their traditional high school classroom are encouraged to apply. All high school academic concentrations and career interests are welcome.”
Support for this program was provided through a grant from the Florida Humanities Council with funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities with additional funding from the Rothman Endowment of the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Florida.
Check the below website for program details, including application materials and costs. Need-based scholarships are available.
Learn more about Humanities and the Sunshine State: High School Summer Seminar .
Indiana University – High School Journalism Institute (HSJI)
Indiana University’s High School Journalism Institute (HSJI) was designed for high school students who would like to explore the field of journalism as an academic or career interest.
Students are able to participate in a series of five-day workshops (not for credit) that examine subjects involving the journalism field. Participants will examine the role of the media, analyze their own and other student publications, and develop the skills needed to produce quality publications.
Workshop participants will learn, develop and grow new skills or sharpen their existing talents. Additionally, some will even begin to prepare their own schools’ publications and media projects for the coming school year.
Learn more about Indiana University – High School Journalism Institute.
Miami University of Ohio – Summer Scholars Program
Miami of Ohio’s Summer Scholars Program is an intense two-week program providing an early college experience for academically gifted rising high school juniors and seniors.
Students who participate in the program can expect to become immersed within an academic setting focused around a specific topic of interest, learning alongside the college’s leading faculty and experts.
Additionally, participants will be provided with a complete collegiate experience through living in a residence hall, eating within a dining hall and enjoying access to all campus facilities.
Workshops on college processes such as the college admissions process, financial aid, test prep, college essay writing and applying for scholarships are also available.
Learn more about the Miami University of Ohio – Summer Scholars Program.
Mathcamp is an intensive five-week summer program in which students are able to explore various principles of mathematics. Students are able to learn about undergraduate and graduate-level topics while bonding with a diverse group of people who share the common love of mathematics.
The program offers courses, problem-solving sessions and lectures by leading mathematicians. The program is open to students ages 13 to 18. A qualifying quiz is required of all applicants.
Mathcamp is free to students with qualifying family incomes. Financial aid is also available.
Learn more about Mathcamp.
National Youth Science Camp (NYSC)
The National Youth Science Camp (NYSC) is an intense month-long camp for young scientists the summer after high school graduation.
Students must demonstrate academic proficiency in either mathematics or the sciences as well as other documented leadership skills.
Located within a rustic setting, students from around the country are challenged in lectures, hands-on studies and are able to participate in an outdoor adventure program.
Because special events are planned to surprise participants each day, the camp does not publish detailed program calendars.
Learn more about the National Youth Science Camp.
New England Center for Investigative Reporting
Now in its eighth year, the New England Center for Investigative Reporting will conduct three two-week sessions to teach teenagers, between the ages 14 – 18, the basic skills of investigative reporting and allow them the opportunity to work on reports to add to their portfolios.
The first session for the Investigative Reporting Summer Workshop starts June 26. Every summer, students have the opportunity to learn from award-winning journalists and hear from guest speakers such as Mike Rezendes of The Boston Globe who was played by Mark Ruffalo in the movie Spotlight.
Learn more about Investigative Reporting Summer Workshop.
New York Film Academy’s Summer Film and Acting Camps
These immersion workshops range from four-week programs to full-year programs. Programs are designed to introduce students of all ages to the creative and technical demands of telling stories with moving images.
Students have the opportunity to write, direct, shoot, edit and, even, star within short films, depending upon the student’s interest.
Award-winning instructors, abundant equipment and small classes provide students with the individual attention and support necessary to complete their own work.
Learn more about the New York Film Academy’s Summer Film and Acting Camps.
Rhode Island School of Design Pre-College Program (RISD)
The six-week RISD summer Pre-College Program introduces high school students to the focused curriculum of a college of art and design experience.
Program participants follow college-level studio curriculum are immersed in experiencing the elements of a complete RISD education in one of the school’s 21 majors.
Students live in residence halls, attend social activities and study a particular subject in the fine or visual arts. Participants must be high school students between the ages of 16-18 years old.
Learn more about the Rhode Island School of Design Pre-College Program.
Smith College Precollege Summer Programs
Smith College Precollege Summer programs offer intellectually stimulating and unique opportunities for high school girls and international students who wish to pursue their academic interests in the classroom and beyond.
Annually the programs offer around 200 young women the freedom to explore challenging and intriguing subjects to strengthen their college applications and increase exposure to undergraduate experiences.
Each summer, Smith welcomes young women from many nationalities and diverse racial and socio-economic backgrounds that together form an extraordinary intellectual community. The learning environment is hands-on, collaborative, exploratory, challenging and rich in role models.
Professors who are excellent scholars offer personal attention in the classroom while encouraging students’ interests and passions, helping them to develop their academic skills.
Programs include Science and Engineering; Young Women’s Writing Workshop; Discovering Women’s History; Field Studies for Sustainable Futures and a College Admission Workshop.
Smith College is a place where young women are taken seriously and inspired to excel—as scholars, scientists and leaders.
Learn more about the Smith College Precollege Summer Programs.
Summer Study Programs
The Summer Study Programs at a variety of schools like, Georgetown, UCLA, and Cambridge, combine academically challenging courses with the fun and excitement of campus and study abroad life.
High school students can choose from a variety of programs, ranging from 2 to 6 weeks.
Learn more about the Summer Study Programs.
Summer Science Program (SSP)
For over fifty years, the Summer Science Program in Ojai, California, has enlightened selected high school students in advanced college-level topics in astronomy, physics, calculus and programming. In turn, students are able to develop both intellectually and socially while being challenged academically.
The program takes place on three campuses: at the New Mexico Institute of Technology in Socorro, University of Colorado, Boulder and Purdue University.
Learn more about the Summer Science Program (SSP) .
Telluride Association Summer Programs (TASP)
TASP is a six-week educational experience for high school juniors. Students participate in seminars led by college and university members and participate in educational and social activities outside the classroom.
Telluride Association seeks students from all kinds of educational backgrounds who share a passion for learning – students who attend want both a personal and intellectual challenge. The programs offer no grades or college credit.
Telluride Association Summer Programs are completely free; every student awarded a place in a TASP attends the program on a full housing, dining and tuition scholarship.
Learn more about the Telluride Association Summer Programs (TASP).
Tufts Summer Study for High School Students
Tufts attracts top high school students who wish pursuing academic excellence while gaining a head start on their college career.
Tufts summer study programs offer benefits like small affordable tuition, small course sizes, financial assistance, college credit options and more.
The programs offered to high school students include: Tufts Summer Writing Program, Foundation of Law & Ethics, Health Science Honors, Biomedics Inquiry through Sequencing (BIOSEQ) and College Courses for Seniors.
Learn more about the Tufts Summer Study for High School Students.
University of Chicago – The Young Scholars Summer Program (YSP)
The University of Chicago’s Department of Mathematics offers an enrichment program, entitled the Young Scholars Program, which focuses on the subject of mathematics.
The Summer Program is a free four-week day camp; mainly for Chicago Public School students (select suburban and private school students are admitted) from 7th to 12th grade.
Students attend daily seminars given by University professors and solve mathematics problems based on these seminars. Topics include number theory, theory of field extensions, geometry and probability. Students also learn computer skills.
Tuition is free for those accepted.
Learn more about the University of Chicago – The Young Scholars Program.
University of Dallas High School Summer Programs
The University of Dallas’ programs use European travel to stimulate careful reading, writing and thinking about life’s most serious questions.
The programs offer college credit and are held on our main campus in Irving, TX and sister campus in Rome, Italy. They’re designed to show students the great and lasting pleasures that accompany a good educational experience.
Courses are led by experienced university faculty and staff.
Learn more about the University of Dallas Summer Study in Europe.
University of New Hampshire Upward Bound Summer Program
University of New Hampshire Upward Bound Summer Program was created to help eligible students achieve their goal of higher education through a free, federally funded, college preparatory program.
During their six-week summer residential program, students live on the campus of the University of New Hampshire and take academic courses, participate in enriching activities, receive tutoring as well as attend career workshops, college visits and help through navigating the college application process and financial aid system.
Learn more about the University of New Hampshire Upward Bound Summer Program.
University of Pennsylvania Programs for High School Students
Penn’s summer programs combine rigorous classroom and lab work with a wide range of social activities, trips and tours. Opportunities are available for those wishing to live on campus or commute.
Penn’s summer programs for high school students provide a college-level experience that eases the transition from high school to college.
Learn more about University of Pennsylvania Programs for High School Students.
Tulane University Emerging Scholars
Environmental Health Sciences Summer Research Academy
Tulane University’s accepts 11th and 12th graders to participate in a summer research academy which is focused on environmental health issues in the region of Southeast Louisiana.
Students are mainly recruited from local areas including: Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, and Jefferson parish public/charter/magnet high schools.
The program is funded as a result of the BP medical settlement, GRHOP.
Learn more about Tulane University Emerging Scholars Environmental Health Sciences Summer Research Academy.
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