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Online or In-person Option


Results show our average SAT score improves 200 +
School grade improves to A's


Instructors from Ivy -league colleges

20 years of teaching experience

Since 2003, more than 1,000 SEM Education graduates got college acceptances into:

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Jung, Lake Braddock HS

Tutors at SEM Education are very knowledgeable and explains really well. Selena is very diverse in her knowledge and can help in multiple high school math/science subjects.

Mrs.Kim, Centreville HS

My son's AP Chemistry grade jumped from an F to a B within just a quarter! I appreciate Selena's acumen and ability to dive deep into subject and explain it very well. Highly recommend for Honors/AP type intensity-required classes.

Alex, McLean HS

Selena is a natural teacher. Not only she has great knowledge of the subjects but also knows how to respond to the different learning style and academic needs of each student. 

Together, we make the difference.

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